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Buyer Persona Definition

Definition: A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of a target customer based on market research and data analysis, used to understand the wants, needs, behaviors, and goals of a particular group of consumers.

A sales funnel specialist will help a business understand how many buyer persona it has and where they are creating confusion by talking to multiple at the same time.

When a company is kitchen sinking, too many closed lost accounts may have been closable with better messaging.

Alternatively, without PPC intelligence, too many non-buyer persona leads may be pulled into the funnel via paid media.

Use It In a Sentence: Our marketing team created buyer personas to better understand the needs and pain points of our target audience, and to tailor our messaging and strategy accordingly.

For Further Reading: When Does It Make Sense to Order a Sales Funnel Audit? | How a Broken Sales Funnel Gets Misdiagnosed | Service: Full Sales Funnel Audit & Conversion Rate Optimization Report

More Definitions: Buyer’s Journey Definition, Buy-In Definition, Hunter Definition, ICP Meaning Sales, Coffee Is for Closers, ABC Always Be Closing

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Services & Capabilities

Sales Funnel Services
Top of Funnel

Search Engine Optimization - SEO Services

Pay Per Click/SEM

Paid Social

Organic Social

Account-Based Marketing - ABM

Middle of Funnel


App Store Profiles



Bottom of Funnel


Demo/Guided Tour

Freemium/In-App Upgrade

Checkout/Digital Purchase

Packaged Services

Package: Sales Funnel Audit

Package: Go-to-Market Strategy

Package: Sales & Marketing Stack Audit

Package: Branding & Rebranding

Package: Collateral Creation

Package: HubSpot Configuration & Training

Fractional Services

Head of Growth Services

CMO Services

CRO Services

Bank Marketing

Sales Training

Marketing Training

Agency Advisory Services



Print Design

Video Production


Podcast Production

App<>CRM Integration

Sales & Marketing Stack Configuration


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