Get Your Sales Funnel Bottlenecks Defined & Action Items Documented…In Less Than a Week
“I can’t believe SFP’s sales funnel audit spotted so many easily-correctable issues so quickly!”
If you know something is wrong, but your team is either too junior or blinded by tunnel vision, and you need results now, this sales funnel audit is for you.

→This Is an End-to-End Audit of Your Whole Sales Funnel→
Top of Funnel
How can you get in front of significantly more of your target audience at a reasonable cost, grab their attention, summarize your offering, and then get them to accept your first call to action?
Middle of Funnel
You’ve piqued interest, borrowed someone’s time, and qualified them…what are you doing to reinforce the value offered, build trust, and incentivize them to purchase?
Focus of Traditional CRO Audit
Bottom of Funnel
It’s make or break time…are you going to close the business or did you just educate someone about solutions to their problem that they’ll purchase from your competitors?
Request More Info
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You Know How On Paper Your Comprehensive Set of Tools & Talent Has Had Plenty of Time to Create the Rapid Growth You Deserve…And Hasn’t?
You’re Not Alone
End-to-End Funnel Optimization Is Hard
…Especially If You Don’t Have the Experience
Instead of suffering through months or years more of:
Additional confusion
Ever-more-convoluted & expensive approaches to go-to-market strategy
…Why not have us take a week to get your company back on track:
Study your audience
Clarify your value proposition
Put together a precise set of instructions to fix one of your funnels…end-to-end?
…That’s Our Sales Funnel Audit Service
The sales funnel audit was exactly what we needed to get to the next level! I didn’t expect such a detailed analysis that identified our weakest points in our funnel.
Eddie did an amazing job understanding our users, crafting a compelling sales pitch, and giving us feedback on our demo process. We are making some significant changes based on this audit and even engaged Eddie to help us craft more targeted content for our intended audience.
If you’re looking for high-quality and personalized support, you’ve come to the right place!
Carlos Vazquez – CEO, GoSprout
Apprenticeship Management SaaS (US Market)
Mainstreet to Cutting-Edge Corner Companies Globally Love Our Coaching Approach to Sales Funnel Repair…And Many Literally Copy-Paste Our Rec’s into Their Funnels
Distributed storage.
San Francisco
BBQ food boxes.
Lifestyle agency.
New York
Global art platform.
QA boot camp.
Los Angeles
Accounting services.
Music platform.
Fitness CRM.
Crypto fashion.
Screening platform.
New York City
Services franchisor.
Custom equipment.
Review platform.
Corporate art.
Curated decor & lifestyle boutique.
Fabrication and manufacturing.
More than Just Conversion Rate Optimization, Our Sales Funnel Audits Contain End-to-End Recommendations
Report Chapters in Detail:
When you order your sales funnel audit, you choose the who, what, and how we’re finding these future customers:
1 Audience<>Value Proposition Combo Clarification (Your Choice)
Our sales funnel audits are designed to help you connect the dots from complete stranger (who should be your customer) to the purchase of one product or service that you offer. You get to decide whether you want to go for the low-hanging fruit and dominate your space or whether you want us to help you crack the code with a new offering.
If you have multiple buyer personas and/or products and services, you’ll still get a ton of value out of our audit.
If you run financial institution marketing, and your customer base is not growing the way you want, our audit may help you.
If you and your team need help with any additional personas and value propositions, no problem. Many of the lenses from the audit will still apply, and we’re happy to help you with the parts that don’t on an hourly basis.
1 Top-of-Funnel Source Optimization (Your Choice)
Much of the audit (middle and bottom-of-funnel recommendations) are applicable to all of your top-of-funnel sources, but this piece of the audit is really focused on helping you get in front of the right strangers, grabbing their attention, and pulling them into your funnel via one channel.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Social Media, Outbound Sales (ABM), and many others can be the top-of-funnel source you want us to analyze.
If you need help on other top-of-funnel sources, that’s not a problem. We’re happy to provide that research or actually deploy and optimize other funnels as well on an hourly basis.
With your audience and value proposition in mind, we document ways to improve your sales funnel efficiency across the following lenses:
Positioning Statement & Story Creation (StoryBrand Framework)
In B2B, many companies brag about how many features they have (kitchen-sinking). Others try to make the same trite economic argument that their product will save you XX% over the way you’re doing things now: a logical approach that removes any possibility of emotional attachment to the brand.
In B2C, many brands completely ignore what makes them great and focus on trying to have parity with a larger brand.
As Bill Harper says, “No Story, No Glory.” He even trademarked it.
As part our sales funnel audit, we create your positioning statement using Donald Miller’s Storybrand framework where your client is the hero, your brand is the guide, and the enemy is clearly identified (and scary). And we’ll put you on a path to becoming an iconic brand.
Messaging Clarification
Is your choice of words designed to help your audience fall in love with you at light speed?
Do you get to the point or is your marketing copy thinly disguised word vomit?
Many companies outside the US want to be successful within the the world’s largest economy but communicate in a way that confuses their audience and erodes their credibility.
Do you talk about yourself or do you focus on your potential client and the problems you can solve for them?
We’re often able to help brands raise their price and margins simply by framing them in the way they deserve, and that requires the right messaging delivered in a highly-consumable format.
Emotion Quotient
Even well-funded companies with strong visual design teams present what amounts to a summary of commoditized features or capabilities as their entire “pitch.”
“Save XX% over they way you do things now” is worth using as a supporting statement and to overcome CFO objections, but you won’t be the company that team members actually want to work with.
Can you be fun or funny? Can you say something unexpected but absolutely true?
Can you tell a story about your product or service makes your clients’ lives better and helps them feel better about the themselves?
All kinds of products and services are logical purchases and don’t get bought at the quantity they deserve.
We’ll help you raise your emotion quotient and give your prospects a reason to care about your company.
My Tribe Vibe
Just like in sports, businesses align with other businesses.
Being a “founder brand” can be a good thing and a bad thing. At first Elon Musk was a marketing asset for Tesla; now he’s a liability for Tesla and X (formerly Twitter).
You may have a great product or service but fail to present what you stand for.
You may also present yourself in a way that causes prospects to want you to lose or even go out of business. Many banks market themselves this way.
With a clear understanding of your target audience and positioning statement in hand, you’ll drive your sales through the roof if you present yourself in a way that causes a prospect to immediately understand. We’ll help your prospects say:
“These are my people!”
Seth Godin calls it being a “Purple Cow.” So many brands (even marketing agencies) fail to give their visitors a single thing to remember.
How does being memorable make your sales funnels move faster?
You’ll be able to occupy a piece of real estate in someone’s brain with far less touches (we’re always working for just one).
Once you occupy that space, it becomes much easier for people that saw your brand to recommend you (even if they weren’t personally ready to buy from you).
For those that visited and then life struck (baby crying, phone call, power outage), etc., you’ll have no problem getting them back.
For reporters that want to cover your space, you’ll always be the first name that comes to mind.
Generic brands tend to have thin margins. Iconic brands on the other hand, can charge whatever they want.
You may be saying all the right things, but what if no one believes you?
The right credibility elements can reinforce your brand story and have a huge impact on your conversion rate optimization.
It isn’t all about trophy logos or testimonials either. The care with which you put your website together and how you describe the way you help your clients can help increase your credibility as well.
When marketing & sales professionals talk about how many “touches” it takes to get a new customer, many of those are not clearing up confusion; they’re building trust.
You can build trust faster with the right recommendations.
Style Guide
Inconsistent styling says you don’t care enough or have the funding to do the aesthetic equivalent of spellchecking.
You would think that multi-office marketing agencies and publicly-traded companies would have this nailed, but they don’t.
We see sites that have totally ignored mobile browsing (the majority of computing activity globally).
We cringe when we come across websites of companies who have spent $10Ms of other peoples’ money (venture capital) and totally miss the mark on simple things like making the call-to-action easy to spot.
We’ll help you identify your inconsistencies and document pieces of your style guide that are missing entirely.
Incentives & Calls to Action
Many companies and even marketing agencies do tons of work to get people to a website, but then don’t make it clear how to get what the prospect wants.
Many companies assume that a stranger prospect will understand and love what they do so much that they’ll jump around pages until they figure out what to do. They won’t.
You can do all the SEO work you want and get a ton of traffic, but you won’t make the revenue you deserve if you’re not crystal clear about how your client can get what they really want quickly and with as little risk as humanly possible.
While we’re happy to help you develop lead magnets and execute other techniques for your on-the-fence folks, we excel at getting touch-1 conversions, meaning your prospect knocks the fence down to get your product or service the first time they visit.
Being crystal clear in both word choice and design about what is required to move down your funnel and how to do so is key.
Many founders and overly emotionally-invested executives want to believe that people will read their websites like essays. They don’t.
If you watch session recordings, you’ll quickly disavow yourself of that notion.
Did we already mention how important mobile is? Far more internet browsing is on mobile devices than any other device type.
Our recommendations for scansion help you separate the signal from the noise for your potential clients.
If you want to have a hyper efficient sales funnel, you need to understand that people will swipe through your site, and all they really care about is whether or not they see the right signals that reinforce that you are what they need and that they can trust you.
We’ll help you present yourself in the best light to everyone on any device type and even help you make prospects with ADHD into customers.
If you’re an animation firm, we’ll give you a pass. Otherwise, don’t overengineer your site with spinning buttons and images that swoop in and out of nowhere. Those actually slow your site down a lot and no longer have any novelty factor.
Have you actually tried to use your menus? Do they make any sense? Especially for sites with multiple audiences and products, it’s critical to get each prospect to the page that speaks most directly to them as quickly as possible.
Does your site use a search function? Have you actually checked the results to be sure they’re meaningful?
If your funnel ends within a SaaS application such as in a PLG scenario, we’ll be auditing your in-app experience to be sure that it will actually accomplish its mission: explaining the value of the paid version and showing users how to get it.
Overall, your site needs to help your visitor get value and move down your funnel as quickly and directly as possible.
Site Health
If Google thinks your site is too slow or the design is too broken to provide a good experience, you’ll get penalized in the form of not being a result in organic searches where you would otherwise appear or paying a premium in keyword auctions.
And then there are horror stories…a client’s agency had created a WordPress black box, and no one realized that they had been hacked and 50,000+ pages pointing to porn and scams were created in a site that was supposed to be about leadership.
We’ll identify any points of concern and make recommendations on how to fix them.
On-Page SEO
Many agencies that market themselves as design firms, and even some that claim to be “strategic” build pages that will drag the site’s ability to rank for meaningful organic traffic down due to pure negligence or refusal to build for business purposes.
Your investment in an inherently-flawed website can easily be remedied with the right guidance.
Many clients assign the findings from this part of the audit to their internal marketing team or webpage agency.
If you don’t have the internal resources to fix your website, we’re happy to help.
Then we actually take all of the above and rewrite and redesign your critical pages:
Up to 10 Popular Page Revisions
Why do so many people ask us to share our sales funnel audit reports in live Google Slides?
So they can literally copy-paste our conversion writing into their pages. That’s part of a suite of services referred to as conversion rate optimization.
We write concise copy that creates an emotional connection and incentivizes your potential clients to become your actual clients.
You get to choose up to 10 pages. We recommend the inclusion of your Home, About, Contact, Team, and Product pages, but it’s ultimately up to you.
You’ll understand how the copy on your pages has to align with the brand story and messaging that we recommend and immediately connect with your clients both emotionally and rationally.
Other Sales Funnel Audit Recommendations
At the end of the day, the purpose of our sales funnel audit service is to help you make the big end of your funnel way bigger and help the rest of your funnel stop leaking and flow significantly faster.
In aggregate, the chapters in our report cover issues across the top, middle and bottom of your chosen sales funnel, but when we see something that could be improved that doesn’t fall into those, we’ll include that in your report.
We spot issues that even CMOs and Heads of Growth with 30 years of industry experience won’t see. And we document those for you as well, so that you can either have your team correct them or we’ll be happy to help you after the audit.
Finally, we teach you and your team how it all works so you can apply all the recommendations and get the growth you deserve:
Your Report: Live Access to the Slides Plus a 1-Hour, Recorded Q&A Session
How fast can we help you understand and address your sales funnel issues and increase your revenue?
Our sales funnel audits are not theoretical. They often contain 100+ discrete tasks that need to be accomplished yesterday.
Our debrief call (which we record and share) is a great time to discuss what your team doesn’t understand and can and can’t do.
If you can’t do it, we’re happy to discuss ways to accomplish what needs to happen.
If you need a real CRM, we provide HubSpot configuration and training. If you need a real style guide, we develop and refresh brands all the time.
If you want us to build any of your digital funnels or teach your junior sales team members “what coffee is for closers” means, we provide those services and more as well.
Many firms are looking for 1-3% revenue improvement. When they complete the recommendations, they’re often seeing 2-5X improvement.
Real Results from Working with Us…And We Taught Our Clients How We Did It
Post Rebrand, Relaunch of Website, Google Ads & SEO Revamp…
400% Increase in Gross Revenue & 30% Higher Average Deal Size…In Less than 6 Months
Established B2B SaaS Suite
Post Rebrand, Relaunch of Website & Google Ads Buildout…
Every $1 of Ad Spend Results in $350 of Qualified Business… Usually Touch-1 Conversions
Luxury Home Services
Post Brand, Website & CRM Buildout, Launch of ABM…
$350k in Qualified Pipeline Built in 2 Months… with No Existing Reputation in Target Market
B2B SaaS Startup
Post Message Clarification, StoryBrand, Critical Page Rewrites
Home & Critical Pages Changed to SFP Design & Use 90% SFP Copy to Win Clients
400+ Employee Marketing Agency to Publicly-Traded Companies
Post Rebrand, Relaunch of Website, Google Ads & SEO Buildout
1st Ever Touch-1 PPC Conversions Start in Week 2, SEO in Late Month 2 @2x Avg Deal Size
10-Years-in-Biz, 5-Office Specialty Accountancy
Post-Rewrites, Wire Frames, Google Ads Buildout…
Touch-1 PPC Conversions @$12k Avg. Deal Size Start on Day 4 with No Brand Awareness in Target Market
Luxury Medical Spa
Yes, we build your sales funnels, too!
How We Help
Good or great product with no clarity about positioning, branding, messaging, or what best practices are for sales & marketing teams.
We provide the audience<>value prop analysis and then deploy or coach the deployment of the go-to-market plan inclusive of tools & team.
Multiple phase shifts in quick succession with profitability and revenue acceleration way ahead of schedule.
Learn MoreScale-Ups
Large teams and/or multiple agencies can’t get certain funnels working so growth is lackluster & the blame game is rampant.
We diagnose the true sales funnel problems and/or build the missing funnels from scratch and teach the team and agencies how we did it.
The next phase of growth gets unlocked and teams, agencies and tools start working harmoniously and clients are happier.
Learn MoreEstablished Companies
The company has a failing product, channel, or funnel step and the team & vendors can’t figure out why and what to do about it.
We objectively play devil’s advocate and share best practices/provide training in an informative way that sets the table for the team to be successful.
The team understands what was misdiagnosed, how to solve similar problems, and becomes much more effective.
Learn MoreReady For the Help You Need to Pay for Itself?
Is Revenue Leaving Your Sales Funnel at Every Stage?
We Can Help
How Are Sales Funnel Audits Delivered?
Our sales funnel audits & conversion rate optimization reports are delivered in 50 to 70-page PDFs with thorough screenshot references.
We are happy to provide live access to our reports in Google Slides for clients that wish to copy-paste our rewrites directly into their systems.
“SFP was able to provide a fresh perspective to our marketing and product messaging that will improve our SEO and sales.
I would highly recommend SFP’s services for both new sites that need the attention of an experienced marketer, or older sites that have become outdated and need a refresh.”
Wes Finley, Head of Growth – Protocol Labs
Makers of Filecoin & Web3 Competitor to Amazon Web Services
Global Web3 file storage competitor to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
It’s Hard to Critique Your Own Work
Especially Within Complex Sales Funnels for Complex Offerings
Junior Marketing & Sales Members…
Only Know Certain Plays in Certain Pieces of the Funnel
Every digital or human-driven handoff has to be working in unison to maximize throughput.
Senior Leadership…
Have Too Intimate of a Relationship with “Their Baby” to Be Objective
Exhaustive knowledge & emotional investment make it difficult to role-play the experience of a total stranger to your offering.
Our Sales Funnel Audits Have a 1-Week Turnaround…Implementing Our Recommendations Can Drive Noticeable Improvement within 2 Weeks
With our adept audience research, knack for messaging, and technical know-how, we deliver actionable insights on tight timelines.
How Do You Get Your Sales Funnel Audit Results?
Let’s discuss your needs and see how well we communicate. Together, we’ll choose:
One target audience/persona & value prop
One top-of-funnel source such as PPC, SEO, referrals, etc.
Once we understand your business, we’ll confirm we see a 10X return or decline your request and tell you why.
We want to be sure you understand each recommendation so you can monetize them.
You get your 50-70 page report prior to the recorded call so you can prepare your questions and get recorded answers (video & transcript).
These audits are for companies that are stuck.
The results of implementation (getting unstuck) can be apparent in less than two weeks:
- Zero/Inconsistent Touch-1 Inbound > Overwhelming touch-1 inbound
- Cost of acquisition drops dramatically
- Sales cycle shortens drastically
- Team feels like they now “get it” and can “repeat it”
- Revenue multiplies
Ready to Find Out if Our Sales Funnel Audit Is Right for You?
Book a Free Consultation:
That’s right…if we can’t clearly see that our work will give you a 10X return, we’ll decline your project.
And we’ll tell you why.
We hired SFP because our e-commerce go-to-market was not working. We had a beautiful website and two marketing agencies working for us with no growth and negative ROI after 10 months. While we had lots of meetings filled with “creativity” and buzzwords, as far as we could tell there was no strategy to get positive ROI in the future.
SFP’s deep dive helped us understand how a digital marketing sales funnel works and what specific actions to take to get a repeatable/scalable digital marketing funnel going. They also spoke to us in terms we could understand as non-technical marketers and gave us a lot more confidence in what KPIs we should care about on an ongoing basis.
We highly recommend SFP’s services as a group that understands the big picture and can develop a true strategy. We will be calling on them to help us manage various strategic initiatives in the future.
Other Wins: Brand story clarified & enhanced, sales ops efficiency increased, analytics capabilities amplified, marketing & sales accountability systems implemented.
Brad Coolidge
Founder & Head Chef
Piedmont BBQ Co.
Gourmet, “heat & eat” BBQ boxes shipped nationwide (USA market).
Funnels Fixed to Date:
Top-of-Funnel: Laser-targeted, attention-grabbing headlines & supporting copy: Organic Search, Paid Search, Social Posts (Instagram, Facebook)
Mid-Funnel: Clear, concise, trust-building copy & design: High-Conversion Landing Pages (Shopify)
Bottom of Funnel: Logical product organization with mouth-watering descriptions & incentives to buy now: Shopify Products & Checkout
Re-Sell/Up-Sell: Long-term relationship-building & further educating about value prop: Newsletter (Hubspot), Retargeting (Google)
More Sales Funnel Audit & Conversion Rate Optimization Testimonials
Fashion & Lifestyle Agency
I was looking for someone to help optimize our website performance and SEO. The time from submitting our project to when I received the final analysis deck (which consisted of 30+ pages of in-depth review, highly-valuable insights, and actionable steps for improving our SEO) was around a total of 72 hours — on a weekend, no less.
I definitely recommend working with SFP if you need assistance with sales tool evaluations, reviews of your website/marketing performance, or are looking to boost revenue through your online channels.
Their professionalism and expertise are absolutely evident in the work they produce, and I would gladly work with them again on future projects.
Nathan Page – Founder
Quality Assurance Bootcamp
Thank you, SFP for the detailed report on my project! I would highly recommend Eddie from SFP as a great communicator and professional. I got a 70-page report and will work with Eddie again in the near future! Everything was smooth and fast which I appreciate the most.
Anna Shiran – Co-Founder
NFT & Metaverse Platform
Thank you for the rapid and extensive report for our company website. We are very happy with the results!
Viktor Andreas – CEO
Product Management Bootcamp
SFP nailed my project. His expertise was exactly what I needed, as I look to scale my online business. He evaluated my website and gave me tons of actionable tasks to improve on SEM and SEO, things I would have never considered (and I have two marketing degrees!!)
He also outlined ways to optimize paid and social media channels, and helped me to clarify my marketing messaging and branding strategy. His communication was top-notch, and he really took the time to understand my business and my goals in order to customize a plan that works for me. I would recommend him over and over again.
Jackie Flake – CEO
Music Composition SaaS
Eddie was instrumental in helping my team reimagine our product’s marketing strategy, helping us extract a compelling story to help fuel our sales funnels.
Starting with a detailed audit of our existing strategy, Eddie offered great insight from his decades of experience. The value greatly exceeded the costs of his service. I look forward to his guidance as we continue to grow! He’s also just a great guy!
Ryan Johnson – CEO
Makers of Filecoin and Web3 Competitor to Amazon
SFP was able to provide a fresh perspective to our marketing and product messaging that will improve our SEO and sales. He delivered a valuable report with clear and actionable insights. I shared SFP’s report on our team slack channel and it was quickly passed around the company.
SFP was extremely detailed and identified unintended site behavior across mobile and web placements that needed to be fixed immediately. The report also contained recommendations for site architecture and product phrasing that would reduce confusion and lead to additional conversions.
I would highly recommend SFP’s services for both new sites that need the attention of an experienced marketer, or older sites that have become outdated and need a refresh. In the future, I will use SFP again for support to set up new product landing pages and microsites that I want to be optimized for conversions.
Wes Finley – Head of Growth
Apprenticeship Management SaaS
The sales funnel audit was exactly what we needed to get to the next level! I didn’t expect such a detailed analysis that identified our weakest points in our funnel.
Eddie did an amazing job understanding our users, crafting a compelling sales pitch, and giving us feedback on our demo process. We are making some significant changes based on this audit and even engaged Eddie to help us craft more targeted content for our intended audience.
If you’re looking for high-quality and personalized support, you’ve come to the right place!