Definition: Inspired by Seth Godin’s book, it’s that super extraordinary thing (like a literal purple cow) that makes your brand stand out in a sea of regular cows.
The desired outcome for a company that wants to be a purple cow meaning impossible to miss is high-margin, high-velocity sales funnels.

Companies with great brands typically have significantly shorter sales cycles and lower acquisition costs. They’re touch-1 conversion numbers are strong because they score high on memorability, credibility, my tribe vibe and emotion quotient numbers.
A traditional CRO audit ignores branding considerations whereas the Sales Funnel Professor approach actually includes a Storybrand positioning statement full rewrites for critical pages.
Use It In a Sentence: Our CMO really needs to stop trying to make us look like everyone else in our space and help us become a purple cow.
More Definitions: Seed Phrase Definition, Pushing The Envelope Definition, Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall Definition, Silver Bullet Definition, Alt Attribute Definition, Storybrand Definition, Style Guide Definition
For Further Reading: Neil Bainton on Mailchimp’s Origin, Bill Harper on Iconic Brands