Definition: This is a method of testing and comparing two versions of an ad at top of funnel, landing page in the middle of funnel, email in an ABM funnel, or other piece of communication to determine which one performs better. This is done by randomly dividing a sample group into two groups, A and B, and exposing each group to a different version of the object being testing.
The performance of each version is then measured and compared, typically using metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction, to determine which version is more effective. A/B testing is commonly used in raising PPC intelligence, website design, email marketing, and product development to make data-driven decisions and optimize performance.
A common misconception with companies lacking a CRO expert is that they are ready for A/B testing. A/B testing is great for squeezing out incremental gains when everything within branding and messaging is working.
If touch-1 conversions are already consistent, it’s time for A/B testing to get the last couple optimization points, but if they aren’t, there’s are bigger problems to fix first.

Use It In a Sentence: The company conducted an A/B test on its homepage to determine which design was more effective in attracting visitors and increasing conversions, ultimately leading to an improved user experience.
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