Build a Robust GTM Strategy & Set the Foundation for Rapid Growth
Are you a start-up? You have a vision, but you need a little or a lot of assistance honing your target audience value proposition, messaging & channels.
Are you looking to scale-up? Your product or service offering is locked in. You’ve launched marketing and/or sales. What do you don’t have yet: The results you want.
Leverage our Go-to-Market strategy to get the results you deserve.

Get the roadmap you need documented & explained in terms you can understand.
You don’t need every funnel under the sun. We show you where & how your specific business can win.
ROI is not a scary term. Like any business, your resources are limited and you need to grow out of revenue.
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Our Go-to-Market Strategy Process:
Step #1: Audience Research
Define Your Best-Fit Clients & Their Buying Habits
We take the time to dive into your business. We will need: a list of key competitors, access to the details of your product or service (website and/or sales deck), customer personas you’ve identified, customer reviews, and customer research.
Following a comprehensive analysis, we will define and scope your best-fit clients, along with their buying habits, and the channels where they can be found.
Step #2: Value Proposition Definition
Craft Audience-Specific Messaging that Explains Your Solution
Your audiences, or Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) purchase from you to fulfill different needs. Your language choice has to align with your audience’s pain points. It must be clear to your buyer how your solution can help them be successful or avoid failure, and how they can take advantage of your offering.
We craft the messaging that cuts through the noise and speaks directly to your future customers. This is important whether the competition is high, like with financial institution marketing, or if you’re offering a new, unknown service as a start-up — and everything in between.
Step #3: Deployment & Optimization
Validate & Optimize Your Go-to-Market Strategy
Your go-to-market strategy is only useful to you if it’s optimized to earn you more revenue. Learn from decades of experience and deploy winning strategies to move further faster. We don’t deliver a plan and walk away.
Our focus is on delivering measurable results and enabling you to be successful. We can provide hands-on support or provide guidance to your in-house team.
“SFP was able to provide a fresh perspective to our marketing and product messaging that will improve our SEO and sales.
I would highly recommend SFP’s services for both new sites that need the attention of an experienced marketer, or older sites that have become outdated and need a refresh.”
Wes Finley, Head of Growth – Protocol Labs
Global Web3 file storage competitor to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Your custom GTM strategy playbook is delivered in an easy-to-digest report with helpful implementation tips baked in.
Depending on your needs, content can include your value proposition, your ‘why’ messaging to your ideal customer profile including where and how they consume marketing, an annual marketing plan, suggested sales enablement materials and your key performance metrics by channel.
It’s Easy to Lose the Forest for the Trees
…And Then Panic as You Look at Your P&L
Marketing Team
Busy Executing Tactics but
Not Running a Strategy
A clear understanding of the organization’s direction and purpose helps to align marketing activities and limited resources in the most impactful way, aimed at shared business goals.
Senior Leadership
Have Too Intimate of a Relationship with “Their Baby” to Be Objective
Wearing many hats yet failing to set an overarching strategy with clear direction, ideal customer profiles and key metrics so that marketing efforts are aligned and focused for the best outcomes.
Our GTM Strategy Playbooks Have a 2-Week Turnaround…Your Investment of Time & Resources Will Have a Measurable Return in 4 Weeks.
Our team of seasoned strategists build your unique GTM Strategy Playbook, and deliver a comprehensive plan, showing you a roadmap to success with both quick wins and long-term plays that you can execute, or tap our team for assistance where needed.
What Do You Get from Our GTM Strategy Service?
Step #1: Audience Research
Give Us Access to:
Product/Service Details (Sales Deck/Website/App Credentials)
Competitor List
Customer Research
You Get:
3-5 Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP)
Potential Volume Estimates
Ideal Channels for Each ICP
Step #2: Value Proposition Definition
You Get:
ICP-Specific Messaging Samples
ICP-Specific Calls-to-Action (CTAs)
Step #3: Deployment & Optimization
You Get:
Success Metrics by Channel
Scalable Strategies & Deployment Playbook
Requirements for Tools & Team
Let’s get you & your team the GTM Strategy you need and growth you deserve .
All GTM deliverables are shared in live, recorded sessions and the documentation is yours to keep. Transparency and empowerment are core values. We aim to give you the tools to be successful.
We hired SFP because our e-commerce go-to-market was not working. We had a beautiful website and two marketing agencies working for us with no growth and negative ROI after 10 months. While we had lots of meetings filled with “creativity” and buzzwords, as far as we could tell, there was no strategy to get positive ROI in the future.
SFP’s deep dive helped us understand how a digital marketing sales funnel works and what specific actions to take to get a repeatable/scalable digital marketing funnel going. They also spoke to us in terms we could understand as non-technical marketers and gave us a lot more confidence in what KPIs we should care about on an ongoing basis.
We highly recommend SFP’s services as a group that understands the big picture and can develop a true strategy. We will be calling on them to help us manage various strategic initiatives in the future.
Other Wins: Brand story clarified & enhanced, sales ops efficiency increased, analytics capabilities amplified, marketing & sales accountability systems implemented via HubSpot, new corporate-gifting funnel created, inbound partnership funnel created.
Brad Coolidge
Founder & Head Chef
Piedmont BBQ Co.
Gourmet, “heat & eat” BBQ boxes shipped nationwide (USA market).
Funnels Fixed to Date:
Top-of-Funnel: Laser-targeted, attention-grabbing headlines & supporting copy: Organic Search, Paid Search, Social Posts (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn)
Mid-Funnel: Clear, concise, trust-building copy & design: High-Conversion Landing Pages (Shopify), Chat (HubSpot)
Bottom of Funnel: Logical product organization with mouth-watering descriptions & incentives to buy now: Shopify Products & Checkout, HubSpot Deal Tracking
Re-Sell/Up-Sell: Long-term relationship-building & further educating about value prop: Newsletter (HubSpot), Retargeting (Google)
Lots of Success for a Company Founded in Late 2022
1 $75k franchisee deal per quarter. $300k/year.
$30M in inbound franchisee deal flow in 6 months. Over 100 deals just off SEO.
10% annualized revenue growth.
5X’d revenue in 6 months. Shut off all paid advertising before the end of “the season” so staff could catch up.
400-Person Marketing Agency
No understanding of CRO and struggling with own inbound deal flow..
Uses home page that is SFP design & writing and now offers CRO to clients.
Prototype with no sales.
$8M inbound pipe within 3 months (of existence). The only iconic brand in its space.
Despite two agencies on retainer, no inbound deal flow over 12-year period.
1st inbound deal within a month. Running at >2/week in year 2.
1-2 deals/month & underdeveloped brand.
19 deals in first month after implementation of audit recs.