Funnels We Fix, Build, & Manage:

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Real Results from Working with Sales Funnel Professor

Brand Creation, Funnel Launch & Management

0 Revenue to $7M Pipe within 90 Days of Existence

Before: Specialty Equipment Prototype & Empty Website Domain

Highlights at 90 Days:

The Only Iconic Brand in the Space

$7M+ Pipeline Built (Inbound, B2C, Tracked in HubSpot)

>$700k Closed-Won (Money in the Bank)

PPC Funnel Generating 8 Deals/Week @$25/Day Spend

SEO Funnel Generating 3 Deals/Week @$1000/Mo Investment (20 “Money” Phrases in Top-10 of Google Results)


Team Learning ABM Pointing at B2B Deals

New Products & Services Introduced with Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Funnels Built

Franchise System Development Underway

Touch-1 Deals Off Multiple Channels for Brand New SaaS

Before: New Class of HR/EdTech SaaS with BETA Product

Highlights at 90 Days:

The Only Iconic Brand in the Space

19 Deals Created Off 1st Newsletter

PPC Funnel Generates >$20k/Mo in Deals Off $600/mo Spend

Trophy Logo Clients Appear Organically

Junior Sales Reps Can Set 2.5 Meetings/Day via HubSpot Sequences


Company Starts SEO & Gets to Top of Google for 25 Money Phrases within 3 Months

Company Lands Some of the Biggest Corporate Clients Around within Year-1

Company Accepted to TechStars

Brand Overhaul & Funnel Relaunch

Years of Incremental Growth to 5X’d Revenue in 6 Months

Before: Small SaaS Player in Crowded B2B Space with Multiple Publicly-Traded Competitors

Highlights at 90 Days:

The Only Iconic Brand in the Space

WordPress Site Completely Overhauled & Conversion Rate Optimization Goes Through the Roof

PPC Funnel Generates 5-7 Closed Deals/Day @$1500 ARR


Company Drowned in Business to the Point All Paid Media Is Turned Off 2 Months Before “The Season” Ends

Company Starts SEO and Gets 20+ Top-3 and 60+ Top-10 Money Phrases with 6 Months

SFP Builds a Custom Bubble App<>HubSpot Stack to Solve the Company’s Scalability Problem

0 Inbound to $300k in Deals Built on $1500 in Ad Spend

Before: Major Metro-Area Luxury Backyard Design Firm with Lackluster Brand & Poor Relational Sales as Only Channel

Highlights at 90 Days:

The Only Iconic Brand in the Local Space

Site Rebranded and Moved to WordPress and Touch-1 Conversions Go Through the Roof

PPC Funnel Consistently Generates 5-7 Deals/Week @$50k-$75k on $300/mo spend


Company Gets Page-1 Organic Results Off SFP SEO Strategy

Company Launches Gateway Drug Product & New Core Lines of Revenue

Partners Start Organically Finding the Company

Funnel Development for Established Companies

Inbound Funnels Fixed in a Month for 20M ARR Professional Services

Before: 6 Years of Two Agencies Can’t Get Accountancy Built To-Date on Relational Sales Any Inbound Deals

Highlights at 90 Days:

Brand & Website Overhaul Results in Immediate Start of Touch-1 Inbound Deals

$250k Inbound Deal Appears in Month 2

Money Phrases Make Their Way into Google Top-10 by End of Month 2

LinkedIn Followers Start Growing


>50 Money Phrases in Google Top-10

Newsletter & Webinar Demand Gen Funnel Starts Scaling

Inbound Pipe Passes 1M in 6 Months

SFP Leads Migration to HubSpot to Automate Attribution & Sales Rep Reporting

SFP Builds ABM Funnel

0 Digital Sign Ups to >20/Day for Specialty CRM SaaS

Before: Overseas SaaS Platform Can’t Crack the Code to Get Any Traction in US Market

Highlights at 90 Days:

Becomes One of 2 Iconic Brands in the Space

Touch-1 Inbound Deals Start Off Instagram & Facebook

Touch-1 Inbound Deals Start Off PPC


Company Carves Out Dominant Marketing Position with Highest Margin Version of Its Product

Company Builds Waitlist of Big Brands Wanting to White Label Its Products

Company Builds Second Premium Module

Company Adopts PLG Thinking

Company Ranks for >50 Money Phrases on Google

Upskilling Large Firms with Knowledge Gaps

400-Person Marketing Agency Adopts SFP Page Design & Core Messaging

Before: Tactical Marketing Agency (SEO, PPC, e-Comm Platforms) to Publicly-Traded Companies Struggles with Differentiation & Conversion Rate Optimization

Highlights at 90 Days:

Company Adopts Messaging/Position Based on SFP Recommendations

Home Page Changed to SFP Design & 90% SFP Writing

Company Upskilled on Conversion Rate Optimization & Can Assist Clients with It


Company Poised to Leverage Their Top of Funnel Skills Coupled with New Middle of Funnel to Unlock Next Phase of Growth

100-Person Engineering Firm Leverages SFP to Choose New Funnels & Allocate Sales & Marketing Resources

Before: R&D Firm Grown on Networking Knows They Can Help So Many More People with Expert GTM Guidance

Highlights at 90 Days:

Most Appropriate Funnels & How to Measure Success Understood

Best Fit Bases to Cover for Current Team Defined & Gaps Identified

Brand & Stack Required to Streamline Identified


Company Ready to Overtake Leaders in the Space Who Don’t Understand Sales Funnels As Well as Our Client via Our Training

…And We’re Just Getting Started


Our Goal Is to Help Clients Make Lots of Money. It's That Simple.

And we love teaching our clients how to effectively go to market along the way.

We increase your revenue while educating you about the who, what, and why so that you and your staff are gaining skills that will accelerate your business growth even faster.

Need Sales Funnel Help?

Let's talk about the problems your company is facing.

Yes, this is a "Sales Call" in the sense that you'll want to decide if a relationship with us makes sense.

But our approach is that sales is something you do FOR people, not something you do TO people.

For people like you, that's explaining how we can solve complex sales and marketing challenges together at huge ROI. And we'll cover how important it is that we teach you/your team how we did it along the way, too.

We do that all day, every day for firms across the world.

Sound interesting? Please gather a list of your toughest challenges so we can talk them through on this FREE introductory call.

If we can't help you, we'll do our best to point you to the right resource.

Not sure? Reading Shane's interview of Eddie about Sales Funnel Professor's DNA might help you understand our culture.

Read the Interview

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    Services & Capabilities

    Sales Funnel Services
    Top of Funnel

    Search Engine Optimization - SEO Services

    Pay Per Click/SEM

    Paid Social

    Organic Social

    Account-Based Marketing - ABM

    Middle of Funnel


    App Store Profiles



    Bottom of Funnel


    Demo/Guided Tour

    Freemium/In-App Upgrade

    Checkout/Digital Purchase

    Packaged Services

    Package: Sales Funnel Audit

    Package: Go-to-Market Strategy

    Package: Sales & Marketing Stack Audit

    Package: Branding & Rebranding

    Package: Collateral Creation

    Package: HubSpot Configuration & Training

    Fractional Services

    Head of Growth Services

    CMO Services

    CRO Services

    Bank Marketing

    Sales Training

    Marketing Training

    Agency Advisory Services



    Print Design

    Video Production


    Podcast Production

    App<>CRM Integration

    Sales & Marketing Stack Configuration


    About Sales Funnel Professor

    Case Studies




    Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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