
Stephanie Symeonides
A born-and-bred Zimbabwean, Stephanie nurtured a lifelong aspiration to become a writer. With a career spanning six years in the field of copywriting, they’ve traversed diverse industries, including sales and marketing, financial technology, hospitality, and many more.
Their writing journey is fueled by a profound passion for crafting narratives that resonate with readers, coupled with a commitment to assisting businesses and brands in effective audience engagement.
Stephanie’s Writing
Eddie Davis
A serial-entrepreneur, Eddie launched his first internet business back in 2000 and taught himself digital marketing and relational sales from a dial-up modem at the beach in Costa Rica.
More recently, Eddie took a fintech/SaaS/payments platform to market leading the revenue team as Chief Operating Officer, and wearing other hats as needed including Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Product Officer, Head of Sales, and Head of Business Development.
He enjoys player<>coaching companies with great products and services that need to learn how to connect with their audiences.
Eddie’s Writing